
Physical Symptoms of Stress

June 9, 2021

Your Body may be trying to tell you something With the push of a button, I would be rolled into the MRI machine so the doctors could “see” why I was having difficulty breathing.  Six months into a marriage that should not have happened (which I realized later), in a new country (I moved to…

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Myths and Facts on Ayurveda

August 11, 2020

One of the common myths that I encounter in my practice is that it is herbal medicine.  Another one is that it is about food and diet.  Expand your understanding of Ayurveda, I talk about all the myths I encounter in my practice.  Chances are that many people think that way.  I hope this episode…

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Synchronicity! Magic! Quantum Field of All Possibilities

May 26, 2020

You know it! You are thinking of a friend and they call you. Happened to me this morning. The Quantum Field of all possibilities- is even bigger than that. Synchronicity arises out of that field. How do I know? Experience! This kind of knowing comes from your direct experiences not from book knowledge. Blows me…

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COVID19 Immunity and Greater Health

May 7, 2020

The Reality of All Viruses In order for viruses to thrive, they need a breeding ground The energetic structure of these viruses is Fear – the vibration and the frequency Fear will attract the virus because there is an an energetic match – Therefore it’s important to dispel the fear Follow the protocols, the social…

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Living Through Corona

March 27, 2020

April 4th – Anchoring in Spirituality There is no one word to describe our experiences during these times of great uncertainty and transformation. For many, this interruption is a much-needed pause to rest and to restore while for others it may be a big trigger for all that was left unresolved. On one hand we…

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What’s Hiding Behind Our Wounds?

November 18, 2019

Ever wonder what’s hiding behind the old wounds? Who is hiding? Why do we carry the old grudges and old pain? What’s hiding is our desire to be more and to experience more, In the deep folds of our hearts lie the innocence of our desires and the fear of being vulnerable traps us in…

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What We Judge; We Don’t Forgive

October 29, 2019

What is Judgment? Judgment is connecting the value of an individual to what they do, how they look, the political opinions they hold, that social and financial status, to their race and ethnic background and to their lifestyle and habits. For example, bad habits mean bad people.  Bad things can happen to any of us;…

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Why Group Coaching

October 15, 2019

One of the very powerful moment that created a big shift for our Meditation retreat attendees was witnessing each other being coached to find resolution for their questions. That really reaffirmed my belief as to the significance and importance of group support to our transformations and it’s what we are lacking in our lives. Isolated…

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Anger – the Most Useful Emotion

August 27, 2019

What?  How can you say that?  The world right now is swirling in anger. We don’t need more of it. It isn’t fun or easy to feel anger; it is much easier to suppress it, rationalize it, put a nice little bow on it and just focus on the good stuff.  ( Sometimes it is…

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Alcohol: Do we drink up to fit in OR?

August 19, 2019

This came up at my recent book Talk at the Milord Public Library. If you attended, I thank you for being there and would like to elaborate on this topic for you and for others. We were talking about alcohol and the question was, “How do we fit in?” To which my answer was, “We…

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