
More on Yoga and Ayurveda

July 23, 2017

A lot is happening in the world of Yoga and health! If we weren’t convinced before on the benefits of Yoga and why it really should be a part of everyone’s life, we sure are now.  There are countless inspiring stories and examples of how Yoga has helped people totally turn their life around and…

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Taking confusion out of Nutrition

November 17, 2013

We live in a world of countless choices and an overflow of information and nutrition is no exception.  Between the plethora of diets and a new miracle food of the week, it is no wonder that we are more confused than ever.   While it is wise to eat organic, non-GMO and unprocessed foods, our ability…

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Understanding Anxiety

July 8, 2013

Do you or someone you know experiences anxiety?  Studies show that one in every 3 individuals (kids included) experience anxiety at one point or another in their lives.  More often than not, it is accompanied by panic attacks, depression or other nervous system disorders.  Occasionally experiencing anxiety is not the problem, only when it becomes…

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Step into spring with energy and vitality

April 2, 2013

Are you ready for spring?  Just the anticipation of spring stirs us into activity; we want to freshen up our homes, clean out the garage and get rid of the old stuff. What about our internal environment?  Imagine stepping into spring feeling lighter, energetic, vital and vibrant? What would it feel like to be in…

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Why Should I do a periodic Cleanse?

March 6, 2013

Feeling sluggish and heavy after the cold, dry winter is one of the many  symptoms of toxins (AMA) accumulation in the body, resulting from weak digestive fire(agni), overeating, environmental toxins and unresolved stress.  If unaddressed, these symptoms worsen, multiply and become chronic resulting in aches and pains, stiffness, frequent colds and allergic reaction, swollen glands,…

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How Consciousness Heals

December 7, 2012

Consciousness, Vibrations and Energy – these are the words that are buzzing around and many of us can’t help but be curious.  With Jim Carrey’s presentation in the “Knowledge of Today” – even the skeptics among us are becoming more open to this. Consciousness is universal energy and life force.  Consciousness is a state of…

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Ayurveda fills the gap..

November 23, 2012

Recently, one of my students’ mother went through surgery to remove cancer from her body.  She was diagnosed with stage 4 ovarian cancer.  The surgery was successful!  Family is so relieved as she has been given another chance for life. Saving lives happens all the time in the medical world.  For many, it is no…

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July 17, 2012

To remain stuck in the same old story and emotions is to remain stuck at the level of the symptoms and disease.   This drains our energy, results in fear and frustration and impacts all aspects of our life in a very negative way.  At this point, it is important to realize that we need to…

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