Spiritual Healing
Love and Fear: Light and Darkness An internally driven life can be a tough road at times.  Where is the ” bliss” that we thought we were promised on this journey? We never really know until we “know”. I know it sounds like a bunch of codified words and they are indeed, as the definition…
Read MoreIt is my honor and privilege to have you join me in this most amazing journey in India. I am equally fascinated and drawn to India even though I was born there like the rest of you. Over the past years of teaching Yoga, many of you have asked when I was going to plan…
Read MoreOne of the questions I ask all my clients at some point during the consultation is why do you think you are having the health issues that you are having. This makes them think beyond the symptoms and the connection of the symptoms to their life story begins to emerge;  not only that they begin…
Read MoreHealing is about a deeper connection with our truth and who we are at the very corn of our existence. It is the subtlest yet the most powerful part of our being that holds the power to heal. Healing is not just about physical health, it is a harmonious existence of our inner and outer…
Read MoreFeeling rather annoyed and perplexed at another snow fall this morning, I stepped out of the house for a meeting. Am I supposed to shoved again? I am not shoveling! it better melt soon. As I drove, I could not help but smile and be in awe of how beautiful and ethereal everything looked. …
Read MoreOne thing is clear! No matter how much you think you know, there is always more! This is what I have been intrigued with lately and working with. One of the obstacles or “lack of clarity”  in any area of our life is because this stuff is very subtle yet the discovery can be no…
Read MoreTo get a FREE copy of 5 Essential Keys to Change Habit Patterns, enter your name and email address below. [email-download download_id=”2836″ contact_form_id=”2815″]
Read MoreOur health, happiness and our success is a direct result of our habits.   We are not taking about the harmless or inconsequential habits but a pattern of behavior that repeats over and over again and keeps us stuck.  It is an established pattern of being, of feeling, of living, or relating and is deeply wired …
Read MoreSometimes, we have to be shaken to our core to wake up for once and for all! I hurt for all the women, people of different color and race, who thought this was their chance to end the gender and race discrimination and inequality , But I realize, we can end that right now regardless…
Read MoreThe whole of human life is a process of letting go. Â As children, we let go of old friends to make room for new ones, Â let go of our parent’s homes to make our own mark in the world. Â We let go of old for the sake of the new, we let go of our…
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