Meditations for Deep Healing is a meditation program designed for your healing journey. You get instant access to all the meditations inside your private online portal, it includes 21 guided meditations plus 5 soul journeys.  You have lifetime access.  


1.  Twenty-One Guided Meditations for your Healing Journey

Trauma healing must be felt in the body as that's where the memory of it is stored. The term "somatic healing" means healing happens at the level of our tissues.

Meditations are a powerful somatic healing technique along with Yoga and breath; a very potent way to experience and embody the shift.  We don't necessarily need to understand first, in fact, when we heal in the body, the understanding follows effortlessly.

These 21 meditations are sequenced to guide you on your healing journey.

The magic of meditations is experienced after the meditation even when the process of moving through it can be painful. But this time around may be the last time as you are being one with the pain for the purpose of healing it. 

A little bit of history of how I created these meditations, sitting on my deck during early covid time in 2020 with paper and pen.  I recorded them while meditating on each topic.  What else could I do during that time?  Little did I know that these meditations will become widespread worldwide and would help so many people.  I am grateful. 

There are 21 guided meditations, The shortest meditation is 18 minutes and longest is 32 minutes.  They are consciously sequenced in a way to be most potent and to take you to the next level of healing; you can however, set your own pace and pick the one that calls out to you that day.  Healing is organic and it is unique to each one of us.  

These meditations contain my most crystalized insights and teachings and are a culmination of years of working with clients and my own experiences. Most importantly, they are a labor of love, the love I feel for you and for the whole humanity.  It is my sincere desire and hope that they uplift you to the next level of your being and bring healing, joy and peace into your life. 

You can come back to these meditations again and again as the teachings remain relevant and will meet you where you are each time, and you may find something that you had missed before or experience a deeper knowing.   

These meditations are for everyone.  No prior meditation experience is needed. You won’t face anything you are not ready to face.  What needs attention will naturally and organically rise to your awareness and these meditations will support you lovingly and acceptingly. 

I am grateful to be part of your healing journey.  Begin when you are ready.   Below is a summary of all the meditations.

Day1 Cultivating Greater Awareness

Day 2 Deepening our Awareness

Day 3 Taming the Mind

Day 4 Intentions and Affirmations

Day 5 Acknowledging What IS

Day 6 Uncovering Your Unique Patterns

Day 7 Becoming One with your Deeper Knowing

Day 8 Allowance

Day 9 Opening to Resistance:  Loving Your Fears

Day 10 Overcoming Guilt and Shame

Day 11 Being a Clean Slate

Day 12 The Art of Expectations

Day 13 Acceptance

Day 14 Forgiveness

Day 15 Protecting Your Energy:  Cutting Cords

Day 16 Loving Your Inner Child

Day 17 Honoring Yourself and Setting Boundaries

Day 18 Trusting the Unknown and Letting Go

Day 19 Shifting Perceptions and Changing Your Mind

Day 20 Connecting with Your Soul

Day 21 Cultivating the Attitude of Gratitude and Appreciation

2. Ascension Guided Meditations

Ascension is a process of healing our inner world, which requires that we take a look at our past, our patterns, our conditioning and notice the effect it has had on our growth and our current experiences, just like you will do with the above 21 guided meditations.

These guided meditations are sole journeys to heal you at the deeper soul level.  These meditations are deep, so I recommend that you finish the 21 meditations above before embarking on these soul journeys.  Here is the list.

  1. A Journey to the Heart and it's Magic.
  2. Triggers - a gateway to our subconscious
  3. Trauma as your most precious jewel
  4. Parenting Your Inner Child
  5. Embodying Sovereignty

Awakening to our true essence is what healing is all about; and it does not need to take a lifetime to heal.  Read my blog on How Long Does Healing Take?.

3. Bonus:  A community inside the portal for you to share your experiences if you like, connect with others and my 3-month support - all inside your own private portal.

4. Bonus:  Enjoy the above meditation that you can use anytime to reset.

5. Cost:  $37
