Meena's Musings

My Yoga Story

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I stumbled upon a Yoga class 22 years ago when I was working full time as a CPA. Being born and raised in India where Yoga, in one form or another, is embedded in the culture and lifestyle, I was surprised and delighted to be in a formal yoga class.  I felt a sense of “coming home” and that started my Yoga journey.

After having taught Yoga to all ages, abilities and in all different settings, needless to say, the practice and teachings have influenced every aspect of my life, shaping, reshaping and transforming me in numerous ways.  Like many of you, I have endured many losses, enjoyed countless blessings and have searched my soul to the nth degree to make sense of things. The wisdom of Yoga helped me in ways I did not think possible and unfolded my path before me and I followed.

As Yoga paved the way for more learning and evolution, I started studying Ayurvedic Medicine and graduated as An Ayurvedic Health Practitioner in 2011 from New World Ayurveda.  Being the daughter of an Ayurvedic physician, I grew up wanting to be a doctor so I could help people live healthier and happier lives. The Western medicine did not uphold the same appeal for me, so I took some detours before I found my way back to Ayurveda.

We may be alone in our own unique journey but along the way we are fortunate enough to find teaches(formal and other wise) and mentors who show us what we may not see by ourselves. I have had the good fortune to study with many amazing teachers and mentors who have helped me to my next level of growth and evolution in my personal and professional life.

Meena Puri

