Meena's Musings
Sometimes, we have to be shaken to our core to wake up for once and for all! I hurt for all the women, people of different color and race, who thought this was their chance to end the gender and race discrimination and inequality , But I realize, we can end that right now regardless of who runs this country.
Our power, ultimately, lies in our actions, never the outcome! We don’t know what to do right now, but we can meditate, pray, nourish our body and celebrate our very existence. We can celebrate the fact that we CAN bring change in our homes, neighborhoods, communities by how we treat each other.
The outcome does not change our values, our potential and our strength. Our daughters and our sons can achieve all that they want to achieve. Lets teach them equality, respect, self love and love for all humanity and teach them how to take care of themselves, love themselves, honor themselves and how to create communities that unite and not divide. Our lives are a result of our actions and our actions alone. Yes, we may have an uphill battle but don’t despair and hold on to the love that we feel for ourselves, and the whole of humanity.
Let the voice of fear and anger find its own way! Let’s not be controlled by our own fears! When the world is THIS divided and polarized, there is fear on both sides. In a polarized world, we all loose! A victory that is borne out of fear and hatred is not a victory. A victory that dims the light of so many people is not a victory!
Right now, to love is to yield to the parts of ourselves ..( the fear, anger ..our own darker, shadow side) and accept and love our own darker side. That is all the opposition parts actually showed us – our very own shadow side. We may right now be blinded by our anger and not see this; don’t allow the anger to turn into hatred, instead channel it to open our hearts even more. Become whole, as we bridge the gap between the good and the bad, the fear and the love. To love is to trust in our innate goodness!
Don’t mistake the process for the end result! The end result is not who won or who lost, the end result is how we feel in our hearts, how we show up for what is important and how we uplift ourselves and our communities.
So, chin up! There is a blessing in every curse and curse in every blessing. Our job is find the blessing no matter what, move on and become who we truly are! We are whole – with the good and the bad, the negative and the positive. Let’s open our hearts to those parts of ourselves that we don’t like. The results have merely mirrored what we experience within ourselves.
Let’s be the change we want to see in the world! Let’s love, love and love!