
About me

To get the most value, work with me individually

There are 2 reasons why working with me individually will bring you the greatest results.

  1. You get my highest level of support which means you get the greatest transformations in the shortest amount of time.  It's my belief that we don't need to spend decades healing - You can heal now and get on with your life.
  2. The nature of this work is very personal and sensitive.  Part of the healing is that we feel completely free and safe in sharing and being heard and shown the resolutions for our particular challenge.  Working with me individually is how you honor your unique challenges with utmost confidentiality and safety.
  3. The bonus reason:  I am working for you even when we are not in session.  Due to the nature of the work, I am fully committed to your well-being in the shortest amount of time.

You may want to read my 2 blogs to get a better understanding.

Understanding Whole Health

Understanding Ayurvedic Medicine


  1. This work found me in a roundabout way - Read This to Know More   It's more a calling and less a career. I can't help but do this work.
  2. I am a seeker which compels me to continue to learn.  It's beyond the degrees and formal education.
  3. "I practice what I preach" and "I walk the talk" - whatever resonates with you. The teachings are borne out of my firsthand personal experiences.  I am on this human journey just like you and life hasn't spared me either.
  4. I am allergic to BS and can smell it miles away or so I think. I tend to dig into the root cause of problems because I find solutions there.  In a world where we are still mesmerized by the outer glamour, glitter and avoidance, this is not always fun.
  5. My work is for those who are truly looking to heal, are willing to do what it takes to get over their predicaments.  With me, you will get there.  I guarantee it.  Ask to speak to my happy clients.
  6. I have been in this field for over 35 years - seems like all my life. I did this even in high school - whenever there was a fight, I was called to resolve it.
  7. I love to laugh and make light of serious things.  Working with me, you will laugh a lot too.

That's enough for now.

Work with me individually for

  • Chronic fatigue, Aches and Pains
  • Poor sleep, Digestive Issues, Weight gain
  • Allergies, Colds and Flues, Asthma, Other Chronic Conditions
  • Undiagnosable symptoms, Multiple Diagnosis
  • Anxiety, Depression
  • Past trauma, Emotional exhaustion
  • Relationship struggles
  • Addiction to food, substances
  • Lacking Spiritual direction, purpose
  • Feeling isolated and disconnected
  • Lacking motivation and energy

Begin Here

  • 1 Choose your payment plan and make the payment
  • 2 Complete Client Information Form
  • 3 Schedule your first 90 min appt.

New Clients - 3 and 6 Month Program

  • Weekly appointments
  • Email support for the duration of the program
  • Written recommendations: dietary, lifestyle, herb prescriptions
  • Recording of meditations, if any.
  • Yoga therapy as needed by client
  • US$2,497 or 3 installments of US$897 - for 3-month program
  • US$4,497 or 6 installments of US$797 - for 6-month program


  • Heart Based Meditation (HBM) technique (Value $247)
  • Digital copy of my first book:  Healing Your Relalationship with food: The Ayurveda Answer (Value$30)
  • Digital copy of my second book:  Wake Up & Heal:  6 Steps to Emotional Freedom (Value $20)
  • My 21 guided meditations (Value $97)

Please Note

  • Mark your appointments in your calendar.  No reminders are sent.
  • No show are paid appointments.
  • To reschedule, please allow 24 hrs. notice
  • No refunds are available on any individual programs.  Please refer to our Refund Policy

For cost in CDN Dollars, click here

"Until one is committed, there is hesitancy, the chance to draw back, always ineffectiveness.  Concerning all acts of initiative (and creation), there is one elementary truth, the ignorance of which kills countless ideas and plans: that the moment one definitely commits oneself, then Providence moves too."    William Hutchison Murray

Comments & Feedback

“It is not about what we do, but how we do it. Let Yoga therapy teach you about your body and it's optimal alignment and free you from pain."

About Yoga Therapy

I was a die-hard Ashtanga Yogi!  The harder the practice, more I loved it and having a very driven personality, I could do it.  I sweated buckets and couldn’t get enough!  Now when I think back to that type of practice, the teachers felt more like cheerleaders who were always pushing us to do more regardless of how we looked.  A big adrenal kick!  Then I got smarter!  Why?  Yes, you guessed it! I developed a shoulder injury that led to frozen shoulder.  I continued on with the same practice like a hero, martyr or something, compensating for my injured shoulder with the rest of the body and I could not believe my posture when I looked in the mirror.  My body was so distorted.  I was horrified.  I had no choice but to slow down, pay attention to every little detail. It depressed me to slow down and limit my practice.  I had to learn to let go of what I wanted to do and really accept what I needed to do to restore my alignment.

That’s when I started to understand the therapeutic miracles of Yoga and started to practice and teach Yoga Therapy instead of a Yoga class! It was no longer about the postures, it was all about how to do the postures that added richness to the classes, raised student's awareness, deepened their understanding of their body and they carried that knowledge to how they walked, how they slept, how they sat and how they moved.  Simple awareness and alignment changed everything for them.

Yoga therapy requires you to:

  1. Slow down to create space for 2 reasons:  to promote deeper subtle mindfulness and to experience the other limbs of Yoga.  Why?  So your practice becomes more than physical and so what?  The non-physical limbs of Yoga ultimately help the physical part.  Everything affects everything else.  Our body, mind, energy, soul is all One!
  2. Honor your body!  A cliché used in many Yoga studios, but what does it mean?  It is more than feeding it good food and resting it.  It is valuing your body as a vehicle that contains your spirit.  What’s more valuable than your spirit?  Nothing!  So embrace and love your body, listen to what it needs and not what you want to do to it in your head, using the limitations as an access to deeper experience of your practice..( yes, the other non-physical limbs), using the strengths to celebrate.
  3. Honor pain, stiffness, limitations is where we do the “work” using props such as blocks, bolsters, blankets, belts, chair, stool,  wall etc.
  4. build the posture from bottom up, starting with our feet.  When we build the posture, it is ours uniquely as we honored our body in building and creating it. We learn what to do with each part of our body, how does it fit in with the other parts, how to make the most out of our unique alignment so we gain freedom not only in our body but most importantly our spirit. Because we are no longer sulking over what we can’t do, instead we celebrate what we can!
Yoga Therapy

What you will get

Your unique alignment assessment

Specific movements and poses specifically for you

Video of take home practice