Andea Sexton

Every conversation I have with Meena gives me more insight into who I really am and more peace about where I am going.  I have a growing list of simple yet profound things that Meena has said that have changed me for the better in big ways.  I call this list “Meena’s Pearls”.  Some of them are, “Update your Beliefs”, “Don’t take on an audience for your inner work” and, “If you are an adult, you will have challenges.  That’s what being an adult is”.  That last one completely changed my relationship with my adult children and made me realize that updating my beliefs around parenthood was long overdue.  Each time I write down one of Meena’s Pearls I add a simple circle to a hand-drawn “string” in my journal.  It is fun and helps make the “pearls” a permanent part of my life wisdom.  My string of Meena’s Pearls will continue to grow, and I will always wear it in my heart.  Thank you, Meena